I seriously can’t believe it’s already March! Here in the Midwest, the snow is melting and Easter is almost here! We’re going to have a pretty low-key Easter celebration at home but making baskets for the kids is always one of my favorite traditions. I usually like to get them something they want, something they need and some sort of treat or some candy because well, holidays.
To give you some bright-colored Easter inspiration, I’m sharing my favorite basket fillers that the babies (and big kids) will love. As a friendly disclaimer, this is just a fun gathering of ideas! I promise that I 100% do not gift all of these to my kids because to me, it’s not the size or amount of gifts that make us fun parents. I just wanted to round up a shortlist for the good of the cause and because I love a nice, themed holiday, I just can’t help myself. So…I hope you and yours have the very best Easter and now, onto the fun stuff!

carrot puffs / plush bunny / carrot teether / abc swaddle blanket / citrus swaddle blanket / rope basket / crewneck sweatshirt / bunny roo, i love you / a little chick / ezpz mat

wayfarer sunglasses / magnetic play set / peeps lollipop / wooden rainbow / rainboots / animal sticker book / water bottle / egg coloring kit / that’s not funny, bunny